Friday, November 9, 2007

Real life stories..

have any 1 of u wonder what true friends really are about?...i've been through bakcstabbing,front stabbing,cheated on,betrayed,lied,used,and not being apreciated.some of us might think its the end of the world thinking of suicide,feeling worthless,low self-exteem,not apreciated,used.hey listen up i've gone thru this shyte and im still smilling means any1 can do it.
*nobody in this world can make u smile except urself*
*love yourself in order for others to love u*
*fall and stand up again*
a true friend is when u dont feel awkward eventhou u guys didnt see each other for ahwhile.u can feel their sincerity,there's no border to keep u guys apart and u can espress yourself to them without feeling wierd.they love u for who u secrets at all..and i wanna give a shout-out to my bestest bestest long time friends mary and u guys
p.s:to a person i dun wanna name,if u have done something wrong to me+my b.bro..if u really treat me as a good friend own up to me...cuz i know u did it.i will forgive u now.n i dun wanna lose u.

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