Tuesday, October 23, 2007

21st Century Love Trend

do u know whats so wierd about relationships nowadays?couples go in and out of relationships a hundred times each saying "I WOULDNT GET BACK IN THAT RELATIONSHIP"(yeah right..) lo and behold the next hour,day or week we'll see them back together again.Gosh does anyone ever apreciate their relationship?have they ever thought that they are the lucky ones who gets to love?there are poeple out there who either cant be together because of parents or god knows what that keeps them apart...my good poeple apart from all our little fight such as he farts at u or she acts like a princess when she's having her P.M.S(just an example) never think that all our stupid fights are soo big,please...come to think of it after that u'll find its stupid just because of the Ego monsta. count your blessings that u can L.O.V.E

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