Thursday, November 6, 2008

*all we've been thru
*caring for u
*denying any negative and gave u a chance
*treating u will my whole heart
*laughing together
*eating together at the basement with high talks and laughter
*thinking that we were close
*eating BKT
*going for trips

but in the end, you show me your true colour.just to test your luck u'd risk our friendship just for that lil bit of marks. i thought we were a group,how could u betray me. Instead of hate, u make me feel sad for u,sad that,after all your "lose" u "lose" even more.Goodbye.

"You could have confronted me,instead u choose to pull me i know what kinda person u are, the person that doesnt give a shyte about friendship or love,u'd do anything just to get yourself the end friend, u'd feel alone.Sorry for u."

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